Labgrown diamond

Lab-Created Diamonds Yes, they are real diamonds!

Lab-grown diamonds are the perfect, affordable alternative to natural diamonds . They offer the same stunning brilliance and quality as their natural counterpart, but at a much more affordable price.

With Lab Grown Diamonds you can fulfill your dream of an exclusive piece of jewelry with larger diamonds in various shapes and of the highest quality . Whether brilliant cut , fancy cut or unique designs - at NÓ you will find sustainable, conflict-free and affordable diamonds for every occasion.

Dramatische Landschaftsaufnahme eines nebelverhangenen Regenwaldes mit üppiger Vegetation und grünen Baumfarnen. Ein inspirierendes Bild, das die Schönheit unberührter Natur und die Magie tropischer Wälder einfängt.


What are lab diamonds?

Lab Grown Diamonds: The Revolution in the Jewelry World | NÓ

Lab-grown diamonds are a groundbreaking innovation in the jewelry industry. These man-made diamonds are impressive due to their sustainable production and flawless quality. Unlike natural diamonds that are mined, lab-grown diamonds are created in state-of-the-art laboratories - and are optically, chemically and physically identical to natural diamonds.

Thanks to the rapid advances in technology in recent years, Lab Grown Diamonds have become not only more affordable but also more environmentally friendly. They offer a sustainable alternative to conventional diamonds without compromising on brilliance , durability or clarity . Discover the fascination behind Lab Grown Diamonds at NÓIR - the perfect symbiosis of innovation, quality and style.

Makelloser runder Diamant mit atemberaubendem Schliff und maximalem Glanz, ideal für luxuriöse Schmuckstücke. Perfekter Stein für Verlobungsringe, Ohrringe oder Halsketten. Entdecken Sie zeitlose Eleganz und Qualität auf NÓ


Luxury Lab Grown Diamonds at NÓIR

Lab-grown diamonds are revolutionizing the jewelry world, making exclusive pieces affordable that were once out of reach for many. Thanks to innovative laboratory technologies, diamonds can now be produced in large quantities and with impressive precision. This significantly reduces production costs - a benefit that is passed directly on to our customers.

Large, high-quality diamonds are now accessible to a wider target group without compromising on quality, brilliance or value. This development marks a turning point in the jewelry industry: luxury and exclusivity are being redefined.

Discover at NÓIR how Lab Grown Diamonds create the perfect combination of elegance, sustainability and cost-effectiveness. The future of jewelry starts here.

Zwei funkelnde Diamanten, sorgfältig platziert auf einer rustikalen Oberfläche, symbolisieren zeitlose Eleganz und natürliche Schönheit. Perfekt für luxuriösen Schmuck und als Ausdruck nachhaltiger Handwerkskunst, entdecken Sie die Vielfalt hochwertiger Edelsteine auf NÓ



Makroaufnahme eines hochwertigen Diamanten, der mit einer Pinzette gehalten wird, vor einem Hintergrund mit weiteren funkelnden Edelsteinen. Perfekte Darstellung von Diamantqualität, Präzision und Handwerkskunst für NÓ


Natural diamond or lab-created diamond?

A natural diamond represents timeless elegance, rarity and exceptional beauty. Formed deep within the earth over millions of years, each natural diamond is an incomparable one-of-a-kind piece with a unique history and distinctive features.

In comparison, lab-grown diamonds – also known as lab-grown diamonds – offer the same optical, chemical and physical properties as natural diamonds . They are created in a controlled environment, making their production more sustainable and less expensive.

The choice between a natural diamond and a lab-grown diamond depends on personal priorities and values: Do you prefer the heritage of a natural diamond or do you appreciate the modern, eco-friendly alternative? Discover the variety and quality at NÓ and find the diamond


Exclusive Lab Grown Diamonds at NÓIR Quality and Transparency

We offer lab-created diamonds from a size of 1.00 carat in brilliant cut and in fancy cuts from 1.00 carat . Our diamonds represent the highest quality: in the color grades river (D) and clarity grades very small inclusions (VS) to flawless (IF) , combined with the best cut quality excellent and without fluorescence .

To ensure authenticity and quality, all of our Lab Grown Diamonds are laser engraved on the girdle. This engraving contains the certificate number of the renowned International Gemological Institute (IGI, HRD, GIA) . The certificate confirms the specific characteristics of your diamond and offers you full transparency and security in your purchase.

At NÓIR, discover diamonds of the highest brilliance, unique cuts and proven authenticity – the perfect choice for exclusive and sustainable jewelry.


Labgrown diamonds

Lab-grown diamonds are real diamonds with the same chemical, physical and optical properties as diamonds from a mine. However, the difference is that they are produced sustainably in a laboratory rather than being taken from the earth, meaning they have no negative consequences for nature or people.

Our diamonds created by VEYNOU are produced in a laboratory in an environmentally friendly manner, with transparent origins and under the highest quality standards and are certified by GIA/IGI from 0.50 ct.

Diamonds are produced in the laboratory using the latest technologies. A distinction is made between two methods: HPHT, a high-pressure, high-temperature process, and CVD, Chemical Vapor Deposition, an innovative plasma process in which a unique rough diamond grows atom by atom.

NÓIR relies exclusively on laboratory diamonds to realize the vision of sustainable luxury jewelry without compromise. For NÓIR, laboratory cultivation is the only option for producing diamonds that last forever without harming our environment. Laboratory diamonds are in no way inferior to mined diamonds in terms of their properties.

Even though we can now reproduce the conditions in which a diamond is created in a controlled and efficient manner using processes such as CVD and HPHT, the fact remains that every diamond has a unique structure that remains incomparable for eternity in every diamond, whether from the laboratory or the mine.